Episode 7: Mental Health and The Black Church


The black church has been a pillar of strength for supporting the needs of the black community. But focused attention to the mental health needs of the black community has always taken on a different context depending on stigma, religious perspective, or just a lack of education available to meet the needs of the congregation. In this episode, we discuss the good, the bad, and the future of mental health as it integrates into a new understanding of faith and the black community.

Zenia Harris MSW is the founder of Mental Health is Ministry and organization that works to bridge the gap between faith and mental health. Through mental health education, advocacy, training, and outreach.

Contact: https://www.facebook.com/mentalhealthisministry zenia_robinsonmsw@yahoo.com

The Trauma Perspective is a discussion with Dr. Tasha Browning, a licensed mental health counselor, about trauma, mental health, and healing. These talks are about complicated experiences, complex topics, and resources to promote personal healing in your trauma work. 

Resources for Further Investigation: 

  • https://www.nami.org/Blogs/NAMI-Blog/July-2020/Why-Black-Churches-Need-to-Do-Better-with-Mental-Health-Issues

  • https://afsp.org/story/the-role-of-the-church-in-improving-mental-wellness-in-the-african-american-commu

  • Blank, M. B., Mahmood, M., Fox, J. C., & Guterbock, T. (2002). Alternative mental health services: the role of the black church in the South. American journal of public health, 92(10), 1668–1672. https://doi.org/10.2105/ajph.92.10.1668


Episode 8: Birth Trauma Series Part 1: What is Birth Trauma?


Episode 6: How Stigma Leads to Trauma: The Casualty of Addiction and Recovery